2013年4月24日 星期三

4/24 (三) 《壞品味》Bad Taste

/////////////// 媽媽、我有一點不蘇湖 {round 2} \\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Peter Jackson 彼得‧傑克森
New Zealand / 1987 / 91 min

**Peter Jackson自編自導自演自剪處女作**

因此一個秘密組織"Astro Investigation and Defence Service”(簡稱AIDS)

Derek and his friends must investigate the missing people in a small village. 
Then they find out its human formed aliens that are really big headed
 monsters that used all the people in the small village into their snack
burgers. Now, Derek must save the day and the world with his
chainsaw before the meat eaters strikes the whole planet. 

Genre: "Horror"  "Sci-fi"  "Comedy" 

晚間七點 綜院104 自由入場 
7p.m. @ Classroom 270104 (General Building of Colleges) , Free Admission

2013年4月17日 星期三

4/17 (三) 《天外來客》 The Man Who Fell to Earth


/////////////// 非典型戀愛之慘情組曲!sadcore suite \\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Nicolas Roeg 尼可拉斯‧羅吉

UK / 1976 / 139 min

**David Bowie首次擔綱演出的電影作品**



改編自Walter Tevis的同名小說。
儘管有著諸多科幻元素,Nicolas Roeg卻選擇跳脫科幻電影的陳俗形式,
而在科幻外衣之下,Nicolas Roeg真正意圖刻畫的,

Space alien (Bowie) crash lands on Earth,
seeking help for his drought-stricken planet. 
By securing patents to advanced technology,
he becomes a fabulously wealthy industrialist. 
However, money and its attendant decadence
ultimately exert a stronger gravitational pull. 
Bowie seemed perfectly cast as the space traveler,
and the film further cemented director Roeg's status
as one of the most unique filmmakers of the 1970's. 
Originally cut by 20 minutes in its 1976 US release,
this anniversary presentation is the complete version.

晚間七點 綜院104 自由入場 
7p.m. @ Classroom 270104 (General Building of Colleges) , Free Admission

2013年4月9日 星期二

4/10 (三) 《神秘肌膚》Mysterious Skin


Greg Araki 葛瑞格‧荒木
USA Netherlands / 2004 / 105 min

    Brian Lackey is determined to discover what happened during an amnesia blackout when he was eight years old, and then later woke with a bloody nose. He believes he was abducted by aliens, and N. McCormick, a fellow player on Brian's childhood baseball team, may be the key as to exactly what happened that night. As Brian searches for the truth and tries to track him down, Neil McCormick takes up hustling and moves to New York, in attempts to forget childhood memories that haunt him. Together, the two of them uncover the terrible truth of the scars they share.

Mysterious Skin是我看過最動人美麗的電影之一,但他遊走於絕望邊緣的晦暗故事,卻也是讓人徹底心碎的電影。陳德政
「在你們之間,最高尚的高不過你本質的聖潔,最墮落的低不過你原生的卑劣。那個站立和倒下的從來都是同一個人。」我在神秘肌膚看到最平靜動人的摧毀和最赤裸溫柔的告解,因為人性曖昧如是,所以看它虛實如詩。【十七歲的天空】導演 陳映蓉

飾演尼爾的男主角氣質獨特,頗有基努李維在《男人的一半還是男人》的神采。這部片綁架了外星人,並同時揭穿了科幻的神話以及童年的神話。-劇場/電影導演 鴻鴻

殘酷的故事,熟悉的氣味。-作家 張娟芬

亞裔導演荒木以顛覆而詭譎的繽紛敘事,道出一個在青春狂妄和父親形象中追尋的危情冒險。-影評人 但唐謨

荒木導演的電影讓人喜歡的是把男色與男同性戀舖陳得誠實、勇敢,運用得既「野」又「美」得出奇,是魅力也是功力。 -影評人 李幼新

我覺得導演荒木確實看到了,在性慾的驅動與包裹之下,人是多麼赤裸而無助。 -作家 張惠菁 

晚間七點 綜院104 自由入場 
 19:00 @  Classroom 270104 (General Building of Colleges) , Free Admission