Piotr Dumala 皮奧特‧杜馬拉
波蘭 / 1992 + 2000 / 16min + 30min
Piotr Dumala 皮奧特·杜馬爾
1956年7月9日生於波蘭華沙,為導演、電影劇本作家和動畫家。他畢業於華沙藝術大學,學習雕塑和動畫,目前在洛茲教書,他也是PLAYING SAFETY RAZORS短篇故事集的作者。Piotr Dumala是一位有驚人想像力天賦的藝術家,在厚重的石膏板上刮出風格獨特的動畫作品,風格凝重,極賦藝術感染力。名作《溫柔幽靈》《牆》《弗朗茨·卡夫卡》等多次榮獲國際獎項,2000年的《罪與罰》是他嘔心瀝血歷時5年完成的鉅作,將其無二的風格魅力極致展露。
Piotr Dumała (born 9 July 1956 in Warsaw) is a Polish film director and animator. His animation technique is original and fascinating, among the most interesting of the last 30 years. While training to be a sculptor, he discovered that scratching images into painted plaster could be a beautiful way to create animations. This is only one technique of a method called destructive animation, where one image is erased (in this case, painted over) and re-drawn to create the next frame in the sequence. William Kentridge is another artist who works in this destructive way. Dumala's main themes, and the way to show them, recall ostensibly the world of writer Franz Kafka. His film, Crime and Punishment, was included in the Animation Show of Shows.